After the madness that was the Christmas holidays, we make serious progress. Countertops, sink. This weekend the white wall in this photo will be wallpapered. (by us) Tomorrow, we will have water hooked up. A functioning sink, faucets and dishwasher. Every time I think of it my eyes fill with tears. Not having a kitchen sink for 10 weeks really sucks.

The refrigerator in place and the black recycled rubber/cork tiled floor. You can see a few cabinet pulls installed, which we are doing ourselves. ( because, really....) Although I gotta say the precision of placing those things is quite time consuming. We spent perhaps 2 of the worst hours of our marriage working on this last weekend, arguing the best way, questioning each other's methods. We are both feisty people. It was not pretty. In the end we found an acceptable process - which, by the way, I figured out....

The range hood! The cooktops are in place (hard to see as they are flush to the counter..) but not yet functional. I'm so glad we chose the glass one. You can see thru the bottom of it, and it helps to not obstruct the window looking out on a row of beautiful lilac trees. Okay, perhaps not so beautiful right now, but in a few months they will be. Is there anything quite like the scent of lilacs at dusk?

Not to be over enthusiastic, we also found out last week that the cabinet our oven sits in was cut the wrong size....manufacturer's mistake. Next week the oven can be installed. This week, it sits in my living room. ( no our oven is not blue. it's got protective film on it..) And just for fun, here's a shot of my dining room chaos. Better. But still a work zone.
I sincerely hope that next week I will post COMPLETELY DONE photos.
I see no reason why not. There is little left to do, just finishing trim and the hold up of the oven cabinet. Oh, we are so close. This weekend: