We've been enjoying the remains of summer in Seattle this week. Perfect mid 70's sunny days with just a hint of crispness in the air to remind that sweater weather is just around the corner.
Lovely sunsets every night - this tonight from my bedroom.

This big guy had a bit of a scare this weekend. On a walk a seemingly like any other, a dog approached while it's owner gave us the okay. Didn't take long after standard dog introductions for the other dog - bigger than my 85 lb Lab - to jump on him with bared teeth and proceed to bite a hole in his ear. ( big dog yelp - what a sad sound!) He seemed okay after we got them apart, aside from the blood on his ear. He rejoined me in our walk as if nothing had happened. I, on the other hand, was shaking with adrenaline and had to sit down to catch my breath.
Last night on our evening walk however, at the approach of every dog the hair on his back stood up. That is completely non standard for Kobe. We're going to have to get him to trust other dogs again....poor guy.

Here's the latest shot of construction. Not a lot seems to be happening. Allegedly they will pour the rest of the foundation tomorrow.

I'm really spending too much my time annoyed at this woman. Are people in America really that stupid or should I say uninformed? It's just so unfortunate that the race is about non-issues. Starting to get ugly. The Republicans can't focus on what the policies are because if anyone is to be reminded of who's in power over the mess that is America they would sink. If anyone paid attention to actual record and not her lies, she'd not be nearly as popular. Stop saying you're a reformer, woman!!! You are a freaking game playing politician with a really messy record that is inconsistent with all the things you say you stand for. She is more conservative than Bush, and more scary born again Christian. She and her husband actually own the rights to the business name "Rouge Cou" which is French for redneck. Haven't we had enough of the (fake) redneck in the White House???? Average people should not hold the 2nd highest office in the land. Nothing about this woman is above average, aside from her beauty queen poise. Don't you want someone smarter than you, better than you, making the decisions that affect us all??? I know I do.
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