This is how I went to work one day this week. In my vintage U2 tee shirt from
The Unforgettable Fire tour in 1984, a concert I attended. (of course, paired with a Stella McCartney blazer to spruce it up a bit...) Vintage rock tees are all the rage - I seriously could sell this for a few hundred bucks on Ebay. But it is far too precious. I had to point out my tee's origin to people. It's worn so thin, threadbare and perfectly soft. I fear ruining it. Many were impressed in the hallowed halls of fashion where I spend my weekdays. Like my 23 year old coworker who realized she WAS NOT BORN when I was at that concert.....
This concert is near the top of my top 10 concerts ever list. I have always kept this tee to commemorate it. U2 was not "U2" yet. They were still playing in small venues. The Aragon Ballroom on Lawrence Ave - in the heart of Al Capone's old Chicago, where my Aunt attended many a Swing dance back in the 1940's - was boarded up when last I drove past it a few years back. On this night in 1984, we were in high school. Out on our own in downtown Chicago seeing a show. My best girlfriends in tow - screaming till we were hoarse. Those best girlfriends remain in my life to this day and forever. Even if one of them notoriously can not get the words right..."Wash my arms in the name of love?" I don't think so...
I can't recall if we got beer or if we were simply covered in it from the cool-whip type containers it was served out of and subsequently sloshed to the floor from. Aside from a completely energized show by an up and coming, soon to be legendary band, the night held it's own magic. U2 always ends with their song "40". (I didn't know this then, but every time I have seen them since they end the same way....) At the end, Bono sings the chorus and the audience sings along. The guitar stops, walks off, bass stops, walks off, finally the drums stop and it's just the Rock God that is Bono on stage keeping the crowd singing. Finally he walks off. Every othrt time I have witnessed this, the crowd sings for a few minutes and trails off. Not so this cold December night in 1984. The crowd didn't stop singing. We sang the refrain walking down the steps and out into the night. It echoed thru the streets of Chicago as we left. I have never since seen anything like it.

I remember it well.
(Save the ash for me!)
But then my stupid little brother threw all my clothes away.
(That's what I get for packing to come home from college in garbage bags.)
I will siiiiiiing, sing a new song...
Feels like it was yesterday, doesn't it? Didn't we skip some afternoon classes that day to get in line early? I don't think we were in the same car, I was with Jen. Wow, those were the days!!
I tossed all my t-shirts, what was I thinking?
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